Bravo Sustainability Dialogue 2022

“Pediatric Trauma Care” took part in the Bravo Sustainability Dialogue 2022!

BRAVO is an institution of social dialogue promoting Sustainable Development, developed on a national level, highlighting initiatives implemented by Businesses, Local Government Organizations and Civil Society. The Organizations participating in BRAVO form the “Ambassadors for Sustainable Development”, a philosophy that supports a sustainable future, and, through the initiatives that each Organization is developing, they contribute to the creation of future Greece. The aim of BRAVO is to share knowledge and experience in Sustainable Development, as well as to communicate the initiatives and actions of all participating Organizations to a network of 62.000 Active Citizens.

Our Charity participated with the initiative “Upgrading of the Paediatric Departments of the Hospitals and Health Centers in Greece” in the category Bravo Society.

You can find here the presentation of our initiative by Ms Elena Pisimisi, Project Manager of the Charity.

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