
A few years ago we began a program to educate children on trauma prevention. We visit schools and talk to children, teachers and parents about how to prevent accidents from happening. To date we have spoken to 64.511 children and 3.508 teachers and parents. We have also published brochures on: “Safety at School”, “Safety at Home”, “Prevention of Burns”, “Road Safety”, ”Respect the Animals”, “Sports and Safety” and many more which we distribute to the children and parents we meet. We also send these informative booklets to schools in areas of Greece that we cannot visit, and of course they can be found in all the big Paediatric Hospitals. It has been statistically proven that by introducing Trauma Prevention into the schools the number and severity of accidents occurring can be reduced by up to 50%.

Another part of this program is the publication of articles, in all the major newspapers and magazines, around holiday times on children’s safety and tips on what to be careful of and how to prevent accidents from happening.


This year we held 203 presentations in Kindergardens and Elementary Schools, which were attended by 5.612 children, more than in any other year since the beginning of the Program. We also distributed a total of 98.692 Trauma Prevention leaflets to Hospitals, Health Centers and Schools, with the hope that the information will reach parents and siblings of the students, as well as those visiting the Hospitals and Health Centers.


This year we visited 17 Primary schools and spoke to 2.010 children, as well as 68 Nursery schools where we spoke to 2.788 youngsters. During our visits, we handed out a total of 52.503 Trauma Prevention leaflets in the hope that this information will be passed back to parents and siblings. We also distributed more than 13.200 brochures to the Hospitals and Health Centers we equipped in 2023, in order to inform the parents visiting the Hospitals. Since 2021, we have distributed a total of 64.000 to all the Hospitals and Health Centers we have helped over the years.


This year we visited 9 Primary schools and spoke to 889 children, as well as 50 Nursery schools where we spoke to 2.086 youngsters. During our visits, we handed out a total of 35.200 Trauma Prevention leaflets in the hope that this information will be passed back to parents and siblings. We also distributed more than 8.800 brochures to the Hospitals and Health Centers we have equipped over the years, in order to inform the parents visiting the Hospitals.


This year we visited 9 Primary schools and spoke to 814 children, as well as 32 Nursery schools where we spoke to 1.372 youngsters. During our visits, we handed out a total of 24.100 Trauma Prevention leaflets in the hope that this information will be passed back to parents and siblings. We also distributed more than 42.000 brochures to the Hospitals and Health Centers we have equipped over the years, in order to inform the parents visiting the Hospitals.


This year we visited 8 Primary schools and spoke to 1.173 children, as well as 10 Nursery schools where we spoke to 392 youngsters. Unfortunately, another 25 scheduled presentations were postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We handed out Trauma Prevention leaflets on all our visits in the hope that this information will be passed back to the parents and siblings.


This year we visited 9 Primary schools and spoke to 1.417 children and 21 Nursery schools where we spoke to 1.025 youngsters. We also visited the 99th Primary school in Athens, as part of the “Open Schools” program which was organized by the Municipality of Athens, and the 4th Primary school in Rafina and talked to the parents about trauma prevention. On all our visits we handed out Trauma Prevention leaflets in the hope that this information will be passed back to the parents and siblings.


This year we visited 11 Primary schools and spoke to 1.950 children and 19 Nursery schools where we spoke to 874 youngsters. We also educated 25 children 6-12 years old about trauma prevention, in the frames of the summer educational program “Listening and Welcoming” of Caritas Hellas in the Refugee Hospitality Structure in Neos Kosmos. We also visited the “ΒLOOM” Kindergarden in Kifisia and the 4th Public Kindergarden in Chalandri and talked to the Parents about trauma prevention. On all our visits we handed out Trauma Prevention leaflets in the hope that this information will be passed back to the parents and siblings.


This year we visited 7 Primary schools and spoke to 772 children and 25 Nursery schools where we spoke to 1.035 youngsters. We also attended the event “Stories from the Open Schools of the Municipality of Athens” by visiting a total number of 5 schools in Athens to inform children about Trauma Prevention”. On all our visits we handed out Trauma Prevention leaflets in the hope that this information will be passed back to the parents and siblings.


This year we visited 5 Primary schools and spoke to 624 children and 26 Nursery schools where we spoke to 1.037 youngsters. We also visited the Kindergarten “Glykogalousa” in Santorini, the Cultural Center in Thrakomakedones and the Avenue Mall to talk about Trauma Prevention. On all our visits we handed out Trauma Prevention leaflets in the hope that this information will be passed back to the parents and siblings.


This year we visited 12 Primary schools and spoke to 1,215 children and 21 Nursery schools where we spoke to 661 youngsters. We also visited the “Pnoe” Educational Psychology Center in Zefyri, the 7th Public school in Metamorfosi, the 20th Public school in Ilioupoli, the 4th Public school in Spata and talked to the Parents about trauma prevention. On all our visits we handed out Trauma Prevention leaflets in the hope that this information will be passed back to the parents and siblings.


This year we visited 13 Primary schools and spoke to 2,049 children and 20 Nursery schools where we spoke to 1.107 youngsters. We also visited the “Pnoe” Educational Psychology Center in Ilioupoli, the University General Hospital ”Attiko” in Athens and talked to the Parents about trauma prevention. On all our visits we handed out Trauma Prevention leaflets in the hope that this information will be passed back to the parents and siblings.


This year we visited 14 Primary schools and spoke to 2,005 children and 14 Nursery schools where we spoke to 783 youngsters. We also visited the ”PLAYGROUP HELLAS”  and talked to the Parents about trauma prevention. On all our visits we handed out Trauma Prevention leaflets in the hope that this information will be passed back to the parents and siblings.


This year we visited 13 Primary schools and spoke to 2,508 children and 10 Nursery schools where we spoke to 844 youngsters. We also visited the Montessori House in Alimo and talked to the Teachers about trauma prevention and spoke to Parents and Teachers at the 17th Public school in Kallithea. On all our visits we handed out Trauma Prevention leaflets in the hope that this information will be passed back to the parents and siblings.

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