
It is with great pleasure that we would like to inform you that we have fully equiped the fourth Trauma Center in Greece, in the “University Hospital PAGNI” in Irakleion, Crete. The Trauma Center was funded by the companiesNortonRoseFulbrightGreece, Hellenic Petroleum and an Anonymous donor.

Read more “Announcement”


It is with great pleasure that we would like to inform you that we are preparing the third Trauma Center in Greece, in the “Ippokrateio General Hospital” in Thessaloniki. The Trauma Center is being funded by the companies OTE and COSMOTE.

Read more “Announcement”

How to Protect Children from Accidents on Whit Monday

Whit Monday, also known as Pentecost Monday, is the day we fly kites. It is a tradition which brings a lot of joy to the family, especially the children. Unfortunately though this custom often results in accidents occuring. To avoid them we must:

Always fly the kite in open areas, away from cliffs and never from a terrace. Tragically, every year, there are many serious and sometimes fatal injuries when people fall from great heights while flying kites.

Read more “How to Protect Children from Accidents on Whit Monday”

Inauguration of the Intensive Care Unit of the University General Hospital of Heraklion, Crete (”PAGNI”)

On Monday, November 18th 2013 the Intensive Care Unit of the University General Hospital of Heraklion, Crete (”PAGNI”) was inaugurated. The I.C.U. was realised through the generous donation of the ”Stavros Niarchos” Foundation.

”Pedtrauma” contributed significantly to this project by offering many of the machines and equipment needed by the I.C.U. Our efforts are on going in order to have this unit fully equipped with all the necessary machinery.

Read more “Inauguration of the Intensive Care Unit of the University General Hospital of Heraklion, Crete (”PAGNI”)”


From October 24th 2013 to January 25th 2014 ”Pediatric Trauma Care” introduced a project on the Give & Fund platform. Our aim was to raise the amount of € 17.000 so as to be able to buy a ” Monitor of transfer with Defibrillator” for the Children’s Intensive Care Unit in the “PAGNI ” University General Hospital in Heraklion. The net amount raised was € 1.635,63.

Read more “GIVE AND FUND”

Charm 2014

Our good luck Charm for the year 2014 was made and offered by the Jewelry store “Antonis Vourakis”.

It is the perfect gift for relatives, friends and business associates.

Read more “Charm 2014”
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