Sports and Safety

Sports are a big part of our lives. They play a great role in the physical and mental well-being of children and teenagers.

Through sports we can make sure that we stay in good physical condition and at the same time learn about teamwork and the spirit of fair play.

Of course, where there is increased physical activity, there is also a greater chance that an accident might occur.

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THALIS ΙΙ – Mapping and Evaluation of the Non Profit Organizations in Greece (2nd Cycle)

“Pediatric Trauma Care” participated in the “THALIS II – Mapping & Evaluation of the Non Profit Organizations in Greece” program, which was conducted by the Political Science and International Relations Department of the University of the Peloponnese and the Non-Profit Organization HIGGS in collaboration with researchers from 3 universities, and was funded by the Charitable Foundations: TIMA Charitable Foundation, Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Athanasios K. Laskaridis Foundation, Captain Vassilis and Carmen Constantakopoulos Foundation, and John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation.

Read more “THALIS ΙΙ – Mapping and Evaluation of the Non Profit Organizations in Greece (2nd Cycle)”

Safety at the Playground

The playground can be a source of great joy for our children. However, it can also be the cause of serious accidents if safety measures have not been taken or if it is not properly upkept.

Children should not play without supervision!

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